Caterpillar 2005231 Replacement Water Temperature Gauge
Caterpillar 2005231 Replacement Water Temperature Gauge
*It Is Up To You To Decide For Sure If This Item Fits Your Machine. If You Need Help, Please Call Or Email Us.*
Fits Caterpillar® Applications:
Industrial Engine: 3176C (S/N: 2AW), 3196 (S/N: 1DW), 3208 (S/N: 03Z; 90N), 3306 (S/N: 64Z), 3406B (S/N: WJA), 3406C (S/N: 6TB; 7T2), 3408 (S/N: 67U), 3408B (S/N: 67U), 3412 (S/N: 38S), 3508 (S/N: 95Y), 3512 (S/N: 49Y), 3516 (S/N: 27Z)
Machine Engine: 3208 (S/N: 03Z; 90N), 3306 (S/N: 64Z), 3408 (S/N: 67U), 3412 (S/N: 38S)
Marine Engine: 3176C (S/N: 6BW), 3196 (S/N: 2XR)
Motor Grader: 12G (S/N: 61M), 14G (S/N: 96U), 16G (S/N: 93U), 120G (S/N: 4HD; 82V; 87V), 130G (S/N: 74V), 140G (S/N: 72V; 81V), 160G (S/N: 4JD)
This Is A Brand New Aftermarket Item.
SINCE 2008

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