Why You Should Avoid Used Heavy Equipment Parts?

Heavy equipment and their parts can be somewhat expensive, so it is no surprise that people want to find ways to save money on them. One of the most common ways of saving on equipment costs is to buy used and refurbished products. While there's nothing wrong with getting used equipment or parts, you may face some challenges down the line. At Tornado Heavy Equipment Parts, we believe that it is better for your equipment if you invest in new parts because:


1. Question of Safety

This is one of the most critical concerns when it comes to used equipment parts. Every component of heavy equipment contributes to its performance and reliability. A weak, compromised part can have an impact on how a tool functions and even make it unsafe. New equipment parts go through thorough quality checks and are made according to industry standards. They are fresh pieces where the materials haven't undergone any stress, which makes them safer and more reliable.


2. Durability

Investing in new spare parts will help you save money in the long run. Used parts are weaker and won’t be able to handle harsh working conditions for long. You will end up replacing them more often, especially if its quality wasn't right. Many people end up buying three to four parts instead of relying on just one throughout the duration.


3. Backed by Warranties

Manufacturers of new parts provide comprehensive warranties so you will get a replacement or something similar if the part falters. While many used part sellers do offer some warranty, they come with conditions that make the assurance almost useless. If you’re concerned about future repairs or faulty equipment parts, it is best to invest in a new product.


4. Origin of Parts

It is easy to trace a new part's origin, which means you see if the seller has sourced it directly from the manufacturer. Buying used parts is akin to treading into murky waters as it is difficult to find the origin. Most sellers promise that the parts are original, and they have gotten them from reliable sources. Unfortunately, the used equipment market is flooded with fake, poor-quality, and stolen parts. Buying a new product is the best way to ensure it is coming from the right source.


5. Quality of the Product

It is difficult to gauge the quality of a used spare part, especially when you're shopping online. While sellers offer assurances and make claims about quality checks, buyers can't determine if the part is of good quality, even if they have the technical knowledge to help them. For example, a used product may have compromised metal or structural integrity, and the customer may not even notice it. The only way to get good quality products is to buy them from an authorized retailer.


6. Up to Current Standards

Most new products available today live up to current standards. They are more resilient, better designed, and go through more comprehensive quality checks. All of these factors make these parts more reliable and durable. Used parts are older and may not live up to current industry standards or safety standards, so they are a risky investment.

As you can see, buying used parts has several disadvantages. They are a good alternative if you have no other option available, but it is always a better idea to invest in new products.

If you want to buy good-quality parts, visit the Tornado Heavy Equipment Parts store today. You will find a wide range of products ranging from ignition keys to hydraulic cylinder seal kits.

  • Jul 07, 2020
  • Category: News
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